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首页 > 供应产品 > 罗德与施瓦茨RS CMWrun - Conformance testing solution for eCall/ERA-Glonass
罗德与施瓦茨RS CMWrun - Conformance testing solution for eCall/ERA-Glonass
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浏览 25
发货 广东深圳市付款后3天内
品牌 罗德与施瓦茨RS
过期 长期有效
更新 2024-08-23 15:01

罗德与施瓦茨RS CMWrun - Conformance testing solution for eCall/ERA-Glonass

Sequencer Software Tool

T&M solution

The European Union and the Russian Federation aim to have intelligent telematics-based vehicle safety systems in place by 2015 to speed up emergency response times in order to save human lives. eCall (emergency call) and ERA-Glonass (automated emergency response) are electronic safety systems for cars. The systems automatically call the emergency number for local emergency medical services in the event of a serious road accident.


Rohde & Schwarz offers a compact solution for automated, reliable and reproducible end-to-end conformance tests on eCall/ERA-Glonass modules independent of the real-world mobile network. The R&S®CMW-KA094 eCall and R&S®CMW-KA095 ERA-Glonass application software simulate a PSAP and remotely control the R&S®CMW500 wideband radio communication tester to emulate a cellular network in the lab.

To simplify extensive conformance tests, the R&S®CMWrun CMW?KT110 sequencer software tool is added. It provides ready-to-use test sequences for eCall and ERA-Glonass modules in line with CEN/TS 16454 and GOST 55530 respectively. Required test sequences are conveniently selected and combined on the straightforward user interface. R&S